Homemade Freshly Brewed Barley

Barley is the oldest known domestically grown and a major cereal grain belonging to the grass family that is native to Western Asia and Northeast Africa. It is a summer crop and is grown both in the temperate and tropical areas of the world. Barley tolerate soil salinity better than wheat and it resembles wheat grain though it is smaller. It has been cultivated for more than 10000 years.

There are 2 types of barley : 2 row barley and 6 row barley.

Barley Juice - Creative Beverage Ingredients Pte Ltd

Health Benefits:

  • The fiber in Barley keeps the intestine and colon healthy reducing chances of digestive issues like constipation, hemorrhoids and colon cancer.
  • Barley also has plant lignans that reduce risk of breast cancer as well as other hormone related cancers.
  • The soluble fiber beta glucan is known to reduce glucose absorption and helps to keep both the glucose and insulin levels low thus helping to prevent diabetes.
  • The high fiber, both soluble as well as insoluble lower the cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Barley consumption maintains bone health. The phosphorus and copper keep bones strong, ensure normal bone production and prevent risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
  • Selenium content helps to maintain skin elasticity, protects against free radicals and boosts immunity. The excellent levels of this mineral also ensures reduction of risk of several cancers.
  • Barley consumption aids in preventing development of gallstones.
  • Barley keeps one fuller longer thereby reducing hunger pangs and aiding in weight loss. It especially targets the visceral fat and ensures a slimmer waistline.
  • Niacin in barley provides protection against many factors that lead to cardiovascular disease like preventing formation of blood clots, preventing plaque deposition in the arteries and reducing cholesterol.
  • It reduces blood pressure, prevents oxidation of free radicals and offers protection against cardiovascular disease in those post menopausal women who consume 6 servings of whole grains like barley a week. It also reduces risk of heart failure.
  • The copper levels in barley also check free radical damage and inflammation thus providing flexibility to the blood vessels, bones, and joints which is beneficial in those suffering from arthritis.
  • Just 1 cup of cooked barley will provide 32% of the daily requirement of copper.